Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analysis - Rockin Beats is a music store which has two branches :: Business and Management Studies:

Analysis - Rockin Beats is a music store which has two branches located in the United Arab Emirates. One branch is located in Sharjah and the other in Dubai. Analysis Rockin Beats is a music store which has two branches located in the United Arab Emirates. One branch is located in Sharjah and the other in Dubai. The Rockin Beats store in Dubai offers:  · Latest titles in pop, rock and dance  · The expanding collection offers over 1000 CD's including live versions  · CD's are digitally re-mastered for the best sound  · Reasonable prices and special offers Rockin Beats has a total staff of 19 who are constantly working to provide the best service. The staff of 19 consists of 6 shop assistants, 1 sales manger, 3 sales staff, 1 accountant and 1 assistant accountant, 1 sound engineer, 1 purchasing manager, 3 cashiers, 1 storekeeper, 1 secretary and the chairman Mr Jason Smith. Current System In order to investigate the problem with the current system there had to be some research done, which involved interviewing the chairman, Mr Smith and the customers. Mr Smith, aged 42 has lot of experience in the trade and is constantly trying to make the store more profitable. His main concern seems to be the inefficiency of the system as it's a manual system. In order to increase the efficiency, the current system will have to be automated. At present, shop assistants are concentrating more on there manual work rather than giving time for customers. An automated system will create friendly customer service and increase the efficiency there by making Rockin Beats a more profitable organisation. In the current system, when a CD arrives to the store the name of the CD, album name and price are noted down on a sheet and placed in alphabetical order in a filing cabinet, which is placed in the store. When a customer buys a CD, an invoice with the price and album ID, handwritten by the cashier is given to the customer. After the cashier has about ten invoices, the invoices are sent through a shop assistant to the accounts department which takes about 10 minutes. An accountant searches for the sales file in the filing cabinet and writes down the sold CD's and places the file back in the sales cabinet. The invoices are then passed on to the store keeper who ticks off the CD's sold on the stock control file and then removes the CD's from the filing cabinet in the store. Copies of the invoices are stored in another filing cabinet in alphabetical order of the album name.

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